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The North Carolina Serials Conference provides the opportunity for library professionals, staff, and students to share best practices and innovative ideas, hear from leaders in the field, meet with publishers and vendors, and explore trends, issues, and the future of continuing resources and scholarly communications. We work with print and electronic resources, whether purchased, subscribed, or offered through demand-driven acquisitions programs. Those resources may be journals or other serials publications, e-books, data, or streaming media. Assessment based upon usage statistics, altmetrics, and other measures help inform our collection decisions, and we use a variety of tools to collect and analyze that data to address our budget challenges. Negotiating licensing terms, providing proper access through catalogs and discovery tools, marketing our resources and services, considering the end user experience, and providing staff training are areas of focus that demand our attention. This conference offers a chance for us to find solutions and look at new possibilities — join us in that conversation!


The conference will be held at The William and Ida Friday Center for Continuing Education.  The Friday Center offers state-of-the-art teaching facilities in a comfortable and attractive environment conducive to learning.  Services available at The Friday Center include a message desk at 919-962-3000, a gift shop, lounge areas, and a walking trail.  Smoking is prohibited in the building and within 100 feet of the exterior.  Parking at The Friday Center is free for program participants and public bus service is available. A map is available.  For more information, please contact Anthony Philpott or any other member of the Planning Committee.


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